Where I am, it's been raining for days. And it's cold, so I sent the elf out again to do my hunting for me. Everyone is gearing up for Valentine's day and the theme is warming things up a bit.
Zanzo sent out this Amore Caliente long sleeved tee to their group. Joining the group is no longer free, but they are pretty generous with their gifts which range from shirts to shoes to skins, so, when you have a spare group slot and a couple hundred extra Linden's, you might want to think about it.
These leather pants from F2H aren't valentine themed but they are free this month at their main store. Low cut, nice detail and texture, add on cuffs, very sleek.Swaffette at SF Design has already put out her February gift - a set of blue silk pajamas, but her gift in January was this pair of Shearling boots in several boot top styles. (The folded top is pictured) and you can still get them, for now, at Mimi's Choice.
Wandering around the House Islands usually yields something new every couple fo days (there are already several new stores in since I was there last week) and Kyr stuck his head into the women's side of Mimi's and spotted these brown suede and studded low heeled boots with a rolled knit top from M.E.B at Mimi's Choice and gave them a shot. They have a simple, straight design making them flexible and minimal embellishment. They have a resize script in the upper boot, and are a nice change from the usual choices of black, dark brown, or grey boots.
Kyr is also wearing:
Hair: -=H2L=- Shun DirtyBlond
Eyes: Eyes Venus -Blue- *REDGRAVE* (free)
Skin: [LeLutka]-ABSOLUTE-pale-hair-faceB_1
Rage Ears: Plastik (previous group gift.)
Oral Fixation: Consume from Fiction&Chaos (free in the tainted love hunt)
Fancy Foot Work
Posted by
Designer: F2H,
Designer: Fiction-Condensed Chaos,
Designer: M.E.B,
Designer: Zanzo
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